Vision Blvd is a grassroots San Francisco campaign calling for completely removing the Central Freeway.

Once the freeway is removed, a vital region of the city will be transformed into a thriving and beautiful neighborhood hub, serving locals and visitors alike.

The Central Freeway is more than just an eyesore.

It is a vestige of antiquated transit infrastructure that has blighted San Francisco communities for decades. It currently looms over 13th and Division Streets, dividing the Mission and SoMa districts while blocking potential housing development. Its presence results in significant local pollution that affects nearby residents, and four of the ten most dangerous intersections in San Francisco are part of or underneath the Central Freeway.

It’s long been City policy to explore alternatives to the freeway, and the benefits of its removal would be undeniable. There would be opportunities for desperately needed new housing, an expansion of public transit, and new parks within an SF neighborhood that is afforded the least amount of green space in the city.

We are currently working with city and state agencies and San Francisco residents to make Vision Blvd a reality as soon as possible—not ten or twenty years down the road. Given the current local and national interest in removing transit infrastructure that causes community harm, we believe the time is now to remove the Central Freeway and show the world that San Francisco is serious about doing its 7 x 7 part to create a safe, livable, functional, and beautiful city for all.

The Vision

Vision Blvd has clear goals: New housing, new public transit, new protected bike paths, and new green space featured along an upgraded one-mile-long boulevard. A true neighborhood that makes all San Franciscans proud.

Learn More at The Vision | Vision Blvd.

Vision Blvd | Teardown the Central Freeway | San Francisco, CA